Condition to close your account
Follow the instructions on this page to request the deletion of your LimoLane profile.
1. You must have previously registered at or through the LimoLane iOS and Android apps.
2. Make sure you do not have any active chauffeur services with LimoLane.
3. Ensure you have saved all documents of interest present on the LimoLane platform.
Please make sure you download and keep any statements which you may need for future reference.
How to request the closure of your account
1. Write an email to [email protected] with the subject “Account Deletion Request”.
2. In the email, include: i) your registration email ii) your registration phone number iii) the reason for your deletion request.
Following the submission of your request via email, a member of our staff will process your request.
If you change your mind or have any other questions about your profile, you can write to the same email for any needs.